Asp Net Project With Sql Database

By | February 21, 2024

Asp Net Project With Sql Database – How can I move my local project database so that this database can be deployed to Azure? When I login I get an Azure error

Because I don’t have a connection to my database. I created the database in Azure portal but it is empty. How do I connect to my database from my app?

Asp Net Project With Sql Database

Asp Net Project With Sql Database

[Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the specified file] [SqlException (0x80131904): A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server not found or unavailable. Verify that the instance name is valid and configure SQL Server to allow remote connections. (Provider: SQL Network Interfaces, Error: 52 – Local Database Runtime installation not found. Verify that SQL Server Express is installed correctly and the Local Database Runtime feature is enabled.)] …. [EntityException: Open background provider failed.]

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Since you created the database in the Azure portal, The easiest way is to use SSMS.

For more details, You can refer to this tutorial: Learn how to migrate SQL Server database to SQL Azure server.

If the database is successfully deployed to Azure SQL Database, you can get the connection string on the Azure SQL Database Portal page:

By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree that Stack Exchange may store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This tutorial shows you how to change the default data storage mechanism for ASP.NET Identity with EntityFramework (SQL client provider) to MySQL provider.

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At the end of this lesson, you will have an MVC application with an ASP.NET Identity store using a MySQL database hosted on Azure.

To complete the steps in this part of the tutorial, you must first install Visual Studio Express 2013 for the web or Visual Studio 2013. Once Visual Studio is installed, use the following steps to create a new MVC application project.

An MVC application created from a Visual Studio 2013 template contains a reference to the EntityFramework 6.0.0 package; However, updates have come out since the release of this bundle with several performance improvements. Use the following steps to apply these latest updates to your application.

Asp Net Project With Sql Database

EntityFramework for connecting to MySQL database; You need to install the MySQL provider. To do this, open the Package Manager Console and type “Install-Package MySql.Data.Entity -Pre” and press Enter.

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This is a pre-release version of the assembly and may contain bugs. You must not use a pre-release version of the service provider in production.

To use the MySQL provider you installed in this section; In this section, you will configure the Entity Framework to register the MySQL provider and import your connection string from Azure.

The following examples contain a specific version of the assembly for MySql.Data.dll. If the assembly version changes, you must change the appropriate configuration settings using the correct version.

Entity Framework Code first uses the MigrationHistory table to track model changes and ensure consistency between the database schema and the conceptual schema. But, This table is not available for MySQL by default because the primary key is too big. To solve this situation, you need to reduce the key size for that table. Use the following steps to do this. Crud Mvc: An Ultimate Guide With Examples

The MySQL provider described in this tutorial does not currently support Entity Framework migration, so you must use model initializers to connect to the database. Since this tutorial uses an instance of MySQL on Azure, you will need to create a custom initialization of the Entity Framework.

This step is not required if you are connecting to a SQL Server instance in Azure or if you are using an on-premise hosted database.

If you have completed the steps in the previous chapters; You should test your database. to do so Use the following steps: You can now create an Azure DevOps project with Azure SQL Server Database for .NET web applications. The Azure DevOps project recodes Azure; This makes it easy to start building and using. By using some easy steps; A DevOps project is about building your app; It sets up everything you need in Azure for deployment and monitoring. Read this full article to know more about Azure DevOps Project.

Asp Net Project With Sql Database

It provides all the necessary Azure resources; To set up a code repository with a template; Configure Application Insights and set up a continuous delivery pipeline to deploy services. It allows you to see code commits, code commits, and more from an integrated dashboard. build It also allows you to monitor all your project information, including deployments. You can also bring your own Git Repository Code to an Azure DevOps project.

Create A Database And Add Tables

From the Azure Portal; While creating a new Azure DevOps project; After completing the Runtime selection, You must select the version box and you can select ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET Web Application. now, SQL Azure Database – You can also select the option “Add a database” for a new installation.

If you choose to add a database option to your Dev Ops project. You need to provide database server details along with other Azure resource details.

Abhijit makes daily .NET tips. He started this website with the goal of having a knowledge base of .NET tips and tricks and shared posts that help developers quickly. He is a former Microsoft ASP.NET MVP; CodeProject MVP; Mentor Speaker the author is a technology evangelist and currently works as a .NET consultant. He blogs at He is the author of the book Kinect for Windows SDK Programming Guide. This tutorial series will teach you the basics of creating an ASP.NET Web Forms application for the Web using ASP.NET 4.5 and Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013. A Visual Studio 2013 project with C# source code is available to accompany this tutorial.

In this tutorial, you’ll create a basic Visual Studio project that familiarizes you with ASP.NET features. Review and act on it. Additionally, You will explore the Visual Studio environment.

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You can switch between Design view and Source view by selecting an option at the bottom of the middle window. The design view is ASP.NET web page, master pages; content pages; Displays user controls using a WYSIWYG view near HTML pages. The source view shows the HTML markup for your web page that you can edit.

ASP.NET Web Forms lets you build dynamic websites using the familiar drag-and-drop event-driven model. A design interface and hundreds of controls and components allow you to quickly create modern and powerful UI-driven websites with data access. Wingtip Toy Store is based on ASP.NET Web Forms, but many of the concepts you’ll learn in this tutorial series apply to all ASP.NET.

In addition to the four main development frameworks; ASP.NET also offers additional technologies that are important to know but are not covered in this tutorial series:

Asp Net Project With Sql Database

In Visual Studio, the Solution Explorer window allows you to manage files for the project. Let’s look at the folders you added to your application in Solution Explorer. The web application template includes a basic folder structure:

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Visual Studio creates some initial folders and files for your project. The first files you will use later in this tutorial are the following:

A page that allows you to create a consistent layout for your application pages and use custom behavior for your application pages.

An options file that contains code for responding to application-level and session-level events raised by ASP.NET or HTTP modules.

A native web application provides a rich experience based on built-in functionality and support. Without any changes to the default web form project. The application is now ready to run in your local web browser.

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. Each of these pages can be accessed from the top navigation bar. Two additional pages are in the Accounts folder; There is also a Register.aspx page and a Login.aspx page. These two pages allow you to create user credentials; Allows the use of ASP.NET member capabilities in storage and validation.

ASP.NET Web Forms are pages based on Microsoft ASP.NET technology, where code running on the server dynamically translates the web page to the client’s browser or device. ASP.NET Web Forms page styles, Automatically renders the correct browser-compatible HTML for features such as layouts, etc. Web Forms are compatible with any language supported by the .NET common language runtime, such as Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Visual C#. Additionally, An environment for managing Web Forms; It is built on the Microsoft .NET Framework, which provides benefits such as type safety and inheritance.

When running an ASP.NET web form page; The page goes through a life cycle of a series of processing steps. These steps include initial processing; immediate action controls; restoring the status quo; Includes event handler code and rendering. As you become more familiar with the power of ASP.NET Web Forms. It is important that you understand the lifecycle of an ASP.NET page; This is important so that you can write the code at the appropriate stage of the lifecycle.

Asp Net Project With Sql Database