Baking Time For Chicken Drumsticks

By | February 25, 2024

Baking Time For Chicken Drumsticks – I make this easy everyday recipe for Baked Chicken Drumsticks often. It’s a winning combination of being easy and delicious!

Anyone with kids knows they love drumsticks. And anyone who has kids knows that when kids love something, adults find themselves eating it again and again. 🙄

Baking Time For Chicken Drumsticks

Baking Time For Chicken Drumsticks

Does not matter. You make sacrifices as a parent. But your food doesn’t have to be one of them! That’s why, over the years, I’ve made many changes to drumsticks to make them a little more interesting for adults. And as my children grew up, they learned to appreciate those variations as well. Some of them are:

Oven Fried Chicken Drumsticks Recipe

However, nine times out of ten, when faced with chicken drumsticks staring at me from the fridge, I cook them. No special sauces or marinades. Just a little olive oil, a few spices, and 40 minutes in a hot oven. Awesome! 🍗

You only need a few simple ingredients to make this simple and delicious chicken recipe. Exact measurements are included in the instruction card below. Here’s an overview of what you’ll need:

Chicken Drumsticks: I use eight drumsticks in this recipe, each weighing about 4 ounces. I don’t remove the skin – I think that’s the best part! If you buy them in a pack of five, you can make ten using the same recipe and increase the olive oil by about half a tablespoon.

Olive Oil: I love cooking with this delicious oil. But if you prefer to use an oil with a higher smoke point, you can use melted butter instead.

Baked Chicken Drumsticks Recipe {easy, Healthy & Super Crispy}

Kosher salt and pepper: If you use fine salt, you should reduce the amount used, otherwise the dish may be too salty.

Spices: garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, and cayenne pepper. Red chilli adds a lot to the flavor of this dish. It gives a hint of spice without overpowering the dish. But if you don’t like spicy food, try using only ⅛ teaspoon (pinch).

Cooking drumsticks in the oven is so easy! Scroll down to the recipe card for detailed instructions. Here are the basic steps:

Baking Time For Chicken Drumsticks

1. Your first step is to preheat your oven to 400 degrees F. Then line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.

Easy Oven Baked Chicken Legs

2. Now, mix oil with spices to make a paste. Arrange the drumsticks in a single layer on the baking sheet and cover with the paste. You can use a pastry brush or just your hands.

3. The final step is to cook the chicken pieces until their internal temperature reaches 165 degrees F. Medium drumsticks take about 40 minutes.

Check the drumsticks after the first 30 minutes. If they seem to be browning too quickly on top, cover them loosely with foil and continue cooking until done.

No, you should not cover them. You want the skin to be brown, and you want the chicken to be roasted, not steamed. So definitely leave the drumsticks uncovered.

Breaded And Baked Chicken Drumsticks Recipe

Yes, unfortunately you can. So keep an eye on them. They should be ready after about 40 minutes, but they can be done sooner if your oven is preheated.

Chicken should be cooked all the way through. It should reach an internal temperature of 165°F when measured with an instant-read thermometer without touching the bone.

This is one of those staple dishes that really goes with anything. But since I cooked them in a 400°F oven, I like to serve these drumsticks with a side dish that I can cook in the same oven. So I often serve it with one of these:

Baking Time For Chicken Drumsticks

You can store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Reheat them gently, covered, in the microwave at 50% power.

How Long To Bake Chicken Leg Quarters

Or do me a favor and enjoy them cool! I sometimes remove the skin, cut them into chunks, and use them in chicken cob salad. Or I make myself a picnic-style plate of cold drumsticks, cabbage “potato” salad and some sharp pickles.

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An easy everyday recipe for Baked Chicken Drumsticks. Just coat them with olive oil and a mixture of spices, then bake!

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Baked Chicken Drumsticks

Disclaimer Most of our recipes are low carb (or keto) and gluten free, but some are not. Check that a prescription suits your needs before using it. Recommended products and related products are not guaranteed to be gluten-free. Nutritional information is approximate and carbohydrate counts do not include non-nutritive sweeteners. Nutritional information may contain errors, so check it independently. Recipes may contain errors, so use common sense when following them. Please read our terms of use carefully before using any of our recipes.

Serves: 2 drumsticks | Calories: 288 kcal | Carbohydrates: 1 gram | Protein: 28 grams | Fat: 18 grams | Saturated fat: 4 grams | Sodium: 709 mg

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Baking Time For Chicken Drumsticks

Vered DeLeeuw, LL.M., CNC, has been following and blogging about the low-carb real food diet since 2011. She is a Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM-CNC), has taken courses at the Harvard School of Public Health, and holds a Certificate in Nutrition and Healthy Living from Cornell University. Her work has appeared in several major media outlets, including Healthline, HuffPost, Today, Women’s Health, Shape, and Country Living. Click to know more about Vered. These simple and delicious baked chicken drumsticks make the perfect last-minute dinner. Coated in a mild spicy masala and baked in the oven until crisp.

Incredibly Easy Pan Fried Chicken Drumsticks

You will love this Baked Chicken Drumsticks recipe. With just a few minutes of prep, you can feed a crowd.

This recipe is very family friendly – adults and kids alike love these chicken drumsticks! They are crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside and full of flavor.

A combination of spices to coat your chicken is delicious and surprisingly easy to make. You probably already have what you need in your pantry!

For this recipe, I highly recommend using an oven-safe cooling rack to cook your chicken on. Using this method helps make your chicken crispy because your drumsticks won’t sit in the grease while cooking.

How Long To Bake Chicken Drumsticks At 400° F

First, cover your baking sheet with foil. Then place an oven-safe cooling rack on top. I do not recommend using a cooling rack covered with non-stick material.

I use this cooling rack (link) a lot in the oven, and it works great. Plus, it’s easy to pop in the dishwasher with your dinner plates.

Leaving the skin on your drumsticks cooks the chicken, which helps prevent the meat from drying out. The skin also helps keep your chicken juicy, and gives you some comfort if you overcook them.

Baking Time For Chicken Drumsticks

Feel free to use chicken drumsticks if you prefer. Or, if you’re trying to cut calories, feel free to remove the skin after baking.

Crispy Chicken Leg Quarters

If you plan to serve your chicken skinless, I suggest you rub your spices under the skin before baking.

It can be difficult to cook chicken until it’s fully cooked without overcooking it. I always recommend using a meat thermometer to test your chicken.

Cook your chicken until it reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit. As soon as you see this temperature, remove your chicken from the oven – it’s done! Any more and you risk drying out your chicken drumsticks.

The few steps in this recipe will help your chicken drumsticks get nice and crispy in the oven.

Honey Garlic Chicken Drumsticks

First, make sure you pat your chicken dry with a paper towel before adding your seasoning. Extra moisture prevents skin from drying out.

Second, bake your chicken on a cooling rack. Using a cooling rack helps the excess fat drip off the chicken as it cooks. This means your chicken isn’t sitting in excess fat, making it soggy.

Chicken drumsticks are versatile and can be served with any of your favorite family meals. Here are some of my favorites:

Baking Time For Chicken Drumsticks

Calories: 381 kcal | Carbohydrates: 4 g | Protein: 36 grams | Fat: 23 grams | Saturated fat: 5 grams | Cholesterol: 186 mg | Sodium: 988 mg | Potassium: 486 mg | Fiber: 0 g | Sugar: 2 grams | Vitamin A: 290 IU | Vitamin C: 0.2 mg | Calcium: 25 mg | Iron: 1.5 mg Easy and delicious oven-baked chicken legs! In this recipe, the drumstick portion of the leg is marinated in a chimichurri-like sauce and roasted in a hot oven until browned and cooked through. This is a simple meal that is perfect for any day of the week.

Easy Oven Baked Chicken Drumsticks

I set out to make the perfect baked chicken legs and after several batches I decided on what I saw as the most suitable marinade and baking method. While others were good, things like simple seasoning left us wanting a brighter flavor, and a sweet and sticky Asian marinade was cooked through.