Homemade Diabetic Dog Food Recipes Vet Approved

By | August 14, 2023

Homemade Diabetic Dog Food Recipes Vet Approved – Make nutritious dog food at home with all the ingredients you know! Your furbaby will love her home cooking, and you will love the ease of preparing food and Make your own recipe with my advice.

She is a breed, born from a breed of AKC champion pugs, but with that comes a genetic co-morbidity typical of “perfect” pugs who are too rich.

Homemade Diabetic Dog Food Recipes Vet Approved

Homemade Diabetic Dog Food Recipes Vet Approved

Don’t get me wrong; Bugs is perfect in every way and I wouldn’t buy anything from him. But raising them these past few years, especially, has taught me a lot about dog health and nutrition as both my girls enter their senior years.

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Before she was 8 years old, Buck began to show signs of degenerative joint disease. Her hips would give a little every time she walked.

She grew up in a one-story house with hardwood floors, and after moving into our original bungalow in the 1920s, the split-level rooms and patio seemed to worsen her condition.

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Over the years, her weak hips eventually gave out and she lost the use of both her hind legs.

Ketona Chicken Recipe Adult Dry Dog Food, Natural, Low Carb (only 5%), High Protein (46%), Grain Free, The Nutrition Of A Raw Diet With The Cost And Convenience Of A Kibble; 4.2lb :

At home, she moves by dragging her body with her front legs. (She has the strongest front legs of any dog ​​I know!)

When she went out, she rolled over in a dog wheelchair and we could barely keep up with her. I almost expected her cart to have flame decals!

If you just saw him sitting, you wouldn’t know he had a disability. She was full of smiles and high spirits, and it looked like she couldn’t walk on all fours like her sister. She’s also a quick little thing, especially when it’s time for dinner or a beach day!

Homemade Diabetic Dog Food Recipes Vet Approved

Insects are not always like that. In the months that her hip dysplasia finally progressed, she was weak, tired, depressed, and for a while we thought we were going to lose her.

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Because she had no control over her hips to squat and potty, she became incontinent for a few weeks. With her age, and the fact that she doesn’t have joint pain (just arthritis), we chose to skip any corrective surgery and approach her condition holistically.

Ever since I started raising my own dogs, I always wanted to cook at home, but thought it would be too expensive or too time-consuming, or that they wouldn’t get the nutrients they needed.

During the months of Bug’s doggy depression, I vowed to make her precious life (or what I feel may be the last step) as comfortable as possible.

Both my pugs had many health problems growing up, unfortunately I found it just for the breed.

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My oldest has constant heat and itching that no commercial dog food can cure (and I’ve tried it all, from grain free tamarind to lamb, beef, fish, and lots of things she just spits out).

Bug was overweight for a while when she was young, even though she ate the recommended amount of food for her target weight. Finally I settled on Wellness kibble and they do well with that brand.

But, I want to explore other options. I want to feed them real food – fresh, nutritious ingredients that I recognize and can eat myself.

Homemade Diabetic Dog Food Recipes Vet Approved

I mentioned in my post about whole grain chicken feed that everyone in the household (people, dogs and chickens) all share the same grains and seeds that we buy in bulk, as well as the benefits that come from our garden. .

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Everything our animals eat, we can eat. (OK, I’ll admit that fig beetles and other bugs aren’t our thing, but our chickens love them!)

When it comes to homemade food for our chickens, we adhere to a proven formula that works for all layers: protein from 16 to 17 percent (determined by my chicken feed calculator), vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from a. A variety of grains and seeds, and pastures, grasses and insects.

These numbers vary depending on the age of your hen, but for optimal health and egg production, it is easy to create a diet that fits those parameters.

Like humans, a dog’s nutritional needs can vary based on age, breed, health history and activity level. What works for one dog may not work for another dog.

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When I first started thinking about this topic, I was almost hesitant to share my homemade dog food recipe because it suits my dog’s needs.

But, I want to show other dog owners that homemade, good, healthy food is possible, and it doesn’t take much more time to make your own food at home.

Depending on how many dogs you have and how much they eat, you can only prepare their food once or twice a week.

Homemade Diabetic Dog Food Recipes Vet Approved

My DIY dog recipes are more of a general guide, rather than an exact meal plan that I follow each week. My dog’s diet changes the same way we do, depending on what we do and what we buy or grow.

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Protein is always meat and usually chicken, although we also use turkey, pork and beef. We feed all parts of the animal, but generally we put chicken breast or chicken leg in vegetable oil. Coconut and turmeric.

Coconut oil has many health benefits for dogs, such as improving skin and coat, increasing energy, aiding digestion, reducing allergies, promoting wound healing, preventing yeast and fungus, and helping with arthritis or vein problems.

Turmeric has long been studied for its powerful medicinal properties, including its use as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

We add it to coconut oil because it dissolves fat, and use it to support the health of our pugs. (The dark, bitter and spicy chicken is a very tasty spice for dogs!)

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Speaking of dark meat, we feed each other legs and breasts. While we will remove the skin from poultry and trim excess fat from red meat, we don’t worry about buying the leanest meat possible for our dogs.

A little fat is necessary for good form food. (If your dog tends to be overweight, you may only want lean meat).

Raw vegetables come from whatever plants grow in our garden. Sometimes we throw in a few pieces of fruit, like in the spring when cranberries are in season. (Bug has a history of urinary tract infections, so we generally give him a cranberry supplement as a preventative measure).

Homemade Diabetic Dog Food Recipes Vet Approved

We change vegetables every week so the pugs don’t eat too much of one thing. In one meal they can get broccoli, celery, fava beans, radishes and nasturtiums. Sometimes apples, bananas or feijoas that we put on our trees… and even herbs, such as lettuce, basil or parsley.

My Homemade Diabetic Dog Food Recipe/ My Vet Approved It!!

This component provides fiber to support digestive health, as well as antioxidants and phytonutrients. In general, the darker the color of the vegetable, the better the nutrition.

We feed our dogs the same vegetables we eat ourselves, and this includes black kale, purple carrots and green romanesco broccoli. They are garden eaters just like us!

(But please don’t think you have to get this fancy for your homemade dog food recipe – we can feed our pets the leftovers grown in our garden.)

Although this may sound like a lot, remember that we only need one vegetable each – a few broccoli florets or stalks, a rib of celery, a small handful of carrot tops.

Healthy Homemade Dog Food Recipe

They are often “leftovers” in our product bins, so we don’t have to buy, for example, whole coals for the dogs.

We usually focus on broccoli and broccoli leaves as a main vegetable because they are particularly nutrient dense (especially the leaves of plants we grow at home are rich).

A recent peer-reviewed medical study found that a compound in broccoli, sulforaphane, helps slow the progression of arthritis.

Homemade Diabetic Dog Food Recipes Vet Approved

To a lesser extent than other cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage and sprouts, sulforaphane also occurs, but it occurs more in broccoli. In our household, with two older dogs, joint health is a priority.

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Our dogs eat onions (and related compounds such as cloves and garlic), which contain a toxic compound called thiosulfate. Even when ingested in small amounts, thiosulfate can destroy a dog’s red blood cells and cause hemolytic anemia.

Complex carbohydrates typically come from brown rice, wild rice (or whatever Asian rice my mom and I make at home, like red or black rice), oats, lentils, peas, or starchy vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and winter squash. Chili. Especially wild rice, peas and lentils have the advantage of being high in protein.

These complex carbohydrates provide energy and help with bowel function, so don’t think of them as just fillers. We change this ingredient weekly to provide some variety, and sometimes mix grains with starchy vegetables (say brown rice with sweet potatoes).

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Make Your Own Dog Food? It’s Not That Barking

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