Homemade Raw Dog Food Recipes

By | July 6, 2023

Homemade Raw Dog Food Recipes – Just like the processed foods that fill store shelves for humans, commercial store-bought dog foods now contain more additives and fillers than ever before. Owners who realize this often choose one of the best homemade raw dog food recipes and continue to feed their dogs this type of homemade dog food for quite some time.

Unfortunately, while there are many commercial dog food brands that are USDA certified, healthy, organic, safe, and even good for our dogs, many store-bought dog foods contain harmful ingredients, byproducts, fillers, and plain garbage.

Homemade Raw Dog Food Recipes

Homemade Raw Dog Food Recipes

To avoid all of that, some experts recommend choosing simple homemade raw dog food recipes and even choosing one for your dog. However, owners should remember that when it comes to homemade dog food, you need to make sure that your pet is getting complete nutrition. According to studies, it is very easy to feed your dog homemade food.

Martha Stewart’s Homemade Dog Food Recipe

“Certain deficiencies, particularly those related to choline, vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin E, can lead to serious health problems, such as immune dysfunction, fatty deposits in the liver, and musculoskeletal abnormalities,” says Dr. Jennifer Larsen. clinical prof. Nutrition at UC Davis [source]

With this in mind, many dog ​​owners have switched their pets to either 100% organic natural commercial dog food or raw diet commercial dog food. But these brands of dog food can be expensive.

Making your own dog food using homemade raw dog food recipes is easier than you think and much cheaper than buying high quality commercial dog food. Below I have listed six of the best homemade raw dog food recipes that have worked for my dog ​​and hopefully will work for you too.

Making your own dog food using a well-made homemade raw dog food recipe takes a little time, but you can make a large batch and freeze it for future use.

Easy Raw Dog Food Diet Recipes (homemade With Quick Steps)

The benefit is that feeding them a quality homemade raw food recipe can boost their immune system, help reduce the risk of allergies, improve their digestive system and give them more energy.

Check out some guides on holistic dog care where we discuss more of these benefits and a list of food for dogs with sensitive stomachs for more examples. The Whole Dog Journal also has a great article on making homemade food for your pet.

Here are six examples of great homemade raw dog food recipes that your dog is sure to enjoy. This may not sound very appetizing to you, but your dog will definitely disagree.

Homemade Raw Dog Food Recipes

Damn Delicious has a great homemade raw dog food recipe for anyone looking to make their first dog food. With a balance of 50 percent protein, 25 percent vegetables, and 25 percent grain, it’s a healthy choice for most dogs, and it even looks delicious.

Easy Raw Dog Food Recipes With Emu And Tripe Stuffed Beef Trachea

Another homemade raw dog food recipe that can be a good start for a beginning raw fooder is this recipe from the Homemade Dog Food website. They don’t mention the breakdown of macronutrients, but it seems like it loads the meat with enough protein that your dog definitely needs.

Feeling more adventurous? This homemade raw dog food recipe from Water Earth Wind Fire provides an excellent description of a more complex process that leaves you and your dog looking amazing, delicious, and nutritious in return.

Check out this recipe for raw dog chili from BarkPost. It’s full of the ingredients and nutrition your dog needs every day, great calories, and looks delicious even from a human perspective. This one may also take a little time to make, but it’s worth it.

Packed with protein and healthy fats, this dog meatloaf recipe from All Recipes is one of my go-to recipes when I want something more complicated than just mincing meat. Make a big batch and keep the rest for another 2 weeks.

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Everyone loves a good stew, including dogs. This raw beef stew recipe for dogs from Life at Cloverehill is super easy to make and doesn’t require too many or too expensive ingredients. Get the essentials and your dog with a fresh dish of homemade treats.

I’m a big meat eater myself, so PetGuide’s Beefaloaf recipe (and the picture in particular) actually made me a little hungry. This is a super easy homemade raw dog food recipe that doesn’t require too many ingredients either, and chances are you already have it all in the fridge.

These are some of the best homemade raw dog food recipes I have found on the web and have personally used when feeding my dogs. Now I have some of my own to show you, but if you’re looking for more homemade dog food recipes and would rather watch a video on how to make one for your dog, check out Top Dog Tips’ dog. food recipes

Homemade Raw Dog Food Recipes

For dog owners who can afford to spend a little more on a raw dog food diet and aren’t stuck with budget dog food options, I have some of my best homemade dog food recipes from a long time ago, and I’ve listed them below. These may be crude dog food standards, but they work and are very easy to make.

Best Recipes For Healthy Homemade Dog Food

My homemade dog food recipe is very similar to the one above, but with a few variations and adjustments of my own. So you can pick and choose the method you want to use, or create your own based on what you see. I’ve done it, it’s easy. Introductory comment. I have been feeding my Bull Terrier this recipe and he is starting to show signs of hunger all the time. Increasing the amount of food did not resolve the situation as he was very active at the time. I would recommend this recipe especially for dogs that don’t get much exercise or dogs that are a little overweight because it uses lean meat. A very active dog needs to eat more fat and get more calories. For these dogs, I recommend choosing meat with a higher fat content.

You will find many comments in my recipes, because over time I have accumulated some experience and I want to share all the new information. You will find that this recipe is quite flexible and can be adapted to different dog activity levels and situations.

Here is my basic recipe for fat-free, low-starch, grain-free raw food if you want to make your own raw dog food for your Bull Terrier or any other dog. It took us three batches to get this recipe right and figure out the tips and tricks. It will be subject to further evaluation with each new group we create. This is how we produce it now. The calculated amount provides enough food for a 45-50 pound dog for up to 45 days.

Since Mila has some yeast issues, I chose only low starch vegetables in this batch to avoid feeding my dog ​​and the yeast.

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If you don’t have similar problems with your Bull Terrier or other dogs, feel free to substitute some vegetables for others.

Possible substitutes are sweet potatoes, squash, and lentils, just to name a few. This will also bring variety in food.

With the ratio of 70% of the protein consumed from animal sources (meat, by-products, eggs), this product can be considered a very high-quality product. In addition, all ingredients are of human grade.

Homemade Raw Dog Food Recipes

While there is nothing wrong with giving your dog SOME vegetables, a high quality diet for your Bull Terrier or any other dog should always be MEAT BASED. That is, it contains more animal protein than vegetable protein. So please keep that ratio if you want to feed high quality food.

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After all, you probably have good reason to look at the raw food model; it is less convenient than kibble. This could be because your dog has allergies or problems with his yeast or digestive system. You may also already know that feeding certain types of commercial foods can contribute to or even cause this problem in the long run. So you definitely don’t want to compare the quality of cheap processed kibble to making your own plant-based dog food.

In fact, according to many dog ​​nutrition experts, your dog technically doesn’t need vegetables in his diet, but can live on meat, offal, and bones alone. We add vegetables to at least revive our wallets a little and bring in amounts that don’t harm our dogs.

With just 30% vegetable protein, low fat, grain-free, and no additives, and no highly processed ingredients or by-products, raw food recipes like the ones here beat out the most popular commercial dogs. food brands, dry or wet.

Remember that although very healthy for your dog, you may need to supplement with some minerals and vitamins, especially calcium. I’ll cover those additions later in this post as well.

Best Natural Homemade Raw Dog Food Recipes (photos And Videos)

Up to 1 1/2 months of group preparation will take some time

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