Microsoft Visual Studio Sql Server

By | October 26, 2023

Microsoft Visual Studio Sql Server – Microsoft SQL Server Server Management is an advanced development program that allows us to configure, manage and manage the SQL Server database engine. SSMS is very popular and widely used by developers and data managers because of the following advantages:

We can download the latest version of SSMS from Microsoft’s download site and we can know the release version.

Microsoft Visual Studio Sql Server

Microsoft Visual Studio Sql Server

After downloading the installation file, we will open the installation file and click the button to start the installation. On this screen, the configuration settings show the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio configuration:

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In the second screen, the installation process will start and the installation will take place:

After the installation is complete, the following screen will appear and let us know that the installation has been completed successfully:

When we launch SSMS, the Link to Server dialog screen will appear in front of us. In this screen, we will set the server name and SQL Server Authentication mode we want to connect to and then click the Connect button. In the following example, we will connect to the SQL Express edition with SQL Server Authentication mode. If we click on the option Remember password, SSMS will remember our username and password for the next connection to the same SQL Server instance:

After the connection is complete, the Object Explorer panel will appear on the left side of the main Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window.

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On the Object Explorer, we can change many settings of the SQL Server Engine and the database. This screen allows us to complete information related to operations such as backup, recovery, deletion, etc.:

Tip: The Object Explorer Details panel helps us find out more details about the server and database objects under the selected text. By default, this panel is not visible, but we can open it under the View menu:

For example, if we want to get more details about the tables available from a database, select the tables folders enough to see these details. Also, we can add different information to this list based on the product type. For example, it allows viewing the number of rows for a table:

Microsoft Visual Studio Sql Server

Another capability of SSMS is that it allows to create and execute T-SQL queries. When we click on the New Query button, which is placed on the toolbar, the new Query Editor will open. In this editor, we can create and execute SQL queries. In the following example, we will run a very simple query that displays some synthetic customer data. First, we will open the new question editor window, type the desired question and then, we will click the button to run the question. The results of the questions will be shared in the Research Council:

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The SSMS query editor provides programmers with many production options. In the previous example, the query was displayed on the grid, but we can change this option. On the SQL Editor toolbar, we can change this setting to Statements for Data, so that the resulting query will appear in text:

When we want to separate the question window and the result set window, we need to make the Display in the selection tabs separate. To enable this option we must follow the steps below:

After enabling this option, the resulting question will be displayed in a separate window. However, this option will be enabled when a new Query window is opened. When we run the following query, the results are displayed in a separate tab:

Tip: Some programmers like to see code numbers in the query editor. Therefore, we must follow the steps below:

General Review Of Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio (ssms)

In this article, we learn the basics of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and the following tips will help improve SSMS skills:

Esat Erkec is a SQL Server professional who started his career 8+ years ago as a Software Developer. He is a Microsoft SQL Server Certified Solutions Specialist.

Most of his work has focused on SQL Server Database Administration and Development. His current interests are in database management and Business Intelligence. You can find him on LinkedIn.

Microsoft Visual Studio Sql Server

© 2023 Quest Software Inc. IMPORTANT. | GDPR | Terms of use | Confidentiality In the previous article, Getting Started with Visual Studio Code (VS Code), we provided detailed information about the popular code editor. It supports many programming languages ​​​​t-SQL, Python, PHP, AWS CLI, PowerShell, etc. We need to use an extension in VS code to work with this message. For example, if we open the T-SQL script, it recommends you for the following connection.

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We can work on SQL scripts without extensions, but it does not provide additional functionality to work on T-SQL. In the image below, we see that you don’t get different codes for database objects. It treats all documents as normal documents.

Click on the agreement, and it opens the extension agreement for SQL Server. You can find additional special offers on the market.

Click on the Install for SQL Server (mssql) extension. It installs, globally enables connection with SQL tools service for mssql connection.

Press Enter, and you are prompted for the database name. It is an optional field. By default, if we don’t write a database name, VS code connects to the master database.

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Next, select the authentication type from SQL Login or Integrated. For Windows authentication, choose a combination method. If you select SQL login, it asks for SQL login credentials as well.

Press enter. It connects to SQL Server, and it shows database, security, and server properties. You can expand the file to view its properties such as tables, views, functions, stored procedures, and more.

VS Code stores data connections in JSON files. To view the contents of the JSON file, go to File->Preferences->Settings.

Microsoft Visual Studio Sql Server

Click on the Edit link in settings.json. It opens the mssql connection file that we entered earlier in VS code.

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Let’s say you have a lot of links in your Visual Studio Code. You can copy this extension and paste it into a new VS code file. It can save us effort in setting up profiles on new machines or for your colleagues.

VS code’s SQL editor supports t-SQL IntelliSense features similar to SSMS and Azure data studio. When you start typing code in the SQL editor, it gives you suggestions for keywords, names of objects such as tables, views, columns, functions. You also get help for gaps in the storage or operation process. It also supports formatting rules and style rule inference.

The Visual Studio code editor shows errors and warnings in T-SQL as soon as you write it. For example, if you want to select data from a table but the table does not exist in the database, you get an error message that says: Invalid object name.

Likewise, if you want to complete a stored procedure that requires you to specify a parameter value, you can point your mouse and it will show you the parameters in the stored procedure.

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Many times, you need a reference to define the meaning of the schema object. It can be things like tables, storage systems and functions. You don’t need to browse the product in the browser, check the content, and go back to the editor again.

Suppose you are retrieving data from an SQL table but want to check the rows in that table. Select an item, and you get two options – Peek definition and Go to definition.

Click on Peek->Peek definition, and you get text in popup. You can view the text for your reference and close the text to return to the previous window.

Microsoft Visual Studio Sql Server

Let’s say you want to complete the stored procedure, but you are not sure about its parameters and data types. You can check the stored procedure to identify its limitations, script, as shown below.

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Just like the peep definition, select the item and click on Go to Definition. It opens the article in a new question window. You can take the paper for reference or keep it for your future reference.

VS Code includes some useful code for executing useful t-SQL statements in SQL Server databases. This article is to add new row, create new file, new table, drop table.

Select the required code snippet and you get T-SQL to do the work. For example, to create a new database, click ok sqlCreateDatabase, and it provides the following code. It highlights the ideas needed by the user.

Visual Studio Code provides an option to view the results and save them in CSV, Excel, JSON format. Enter the question and click Execute. You can see the output of the query in the results section and links in

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