Recipe For Wild Duck Breast

By | March 11, 2024

Recipe For Wild Duck Breast – I’m a huge fan of picking duck for cooking whole, but sometimes crunch time means simply picking off the breast, removing the breast and skin, and peeling the legs and thighs for other recipes. Skin-on breast is the perfect choice when you need a quick meal because it cooks quickly and tastes great, especially when topped with a simple sauce made with plum jam and Bourbon Evan Williams Outdoorsman Edition. We serve breast over rice and with a nice salad and bread for a restaurant-quality meal that can be cooked in minutes. Place the duck in a cast iron skillet with a little high smoke point oil such as peanut or grapeseed. It only takes 3 to 5 minutes per side for a nice medium-rare finish. When the duck is ready, transfer it to a warm plate and transfer the sauce to the pan. Return the duck to the skillet to reheat and spoon over the sauce before serving.

6 mallard or other large duck breast parts, skin on 2 tablespoons grapeseed or peanut oil 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon rosemary Bourbon Plums Sauce 1 cup plum jam (I used damson plums) 1 red onion, diced 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons bourbon 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 1/2 teaspoon fresh grated ginger 1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder tea

Recipe For Wild Duck Breast

Recipe For Wild Duck Breast

Start by heating a large cast iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add peanut or grapeseed oil to the pan and stir until combined. Mix in salt, black pepper, garlic powder, paprika and rosemary. Sprinkle evenly on both sides of the duck. Pre-bake the duck, skin side down, for 3 to 5 minutes. Turn the breast and toss the other side for the same amount of time or until desired doneness is reached. Transfer duck to a warm plate and tent loosely with foil. Lower the heat to medium. Add the butter and diced shallots to the pan. Sauté for 5 to 7 minutes or until the shallots are soft and translucent. Add the plum jam, bourbon, apple cider vinegar, grated ginger, rosemary and garlic powder. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 3 to 4 minutes to allow the alcohol to evaporate and the sauce to thicken. If you don’t want to use bourbon in the recipe, substitute 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of water. Return the duck breast to the skillet and spoon over the sauce to coat. Serve with rice and a side of choice. If there was ever a bedrock duck breast recipe, this is it. One of the most common requests I get from readers is step-by-step instructions on how to properly cook duck breast. And this same method applies to the breast of geese, as well as to the breasts of other dark-flesh birds, such as doves, sharp-tailed grouse, and others.

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I know some of you are thinking, “I know how to do this, Hank.” I apologize to you; moreover, my method is special and may differ from yours – but it works. At all times. I’ve cooked thousands of duck breasts, and it’s no exaggeration, and here’s how to cook duck breasts.

A few things before we start. First, the duck breast should be cooked like a steak, meaning rare to medium. That means the proper internal temperature of a duck breast, once the meat has rested, is between 125°F and 140°F. No one is going to stone you to death if your duck breast reaches 145, but more so and, well, you have damaged it.

But isn’t duck chicken, and shouldn’t it be cooked at 165°F? Yes, ducks are birds. But they are red meat birds, and should be cooked like beef. Doing research for my cookbook on cooking duck and goose,

, I combed through years of data on foodborne illness from the CDC and found barely any cases of it in ducks and geese.

How To Cook Duck Breast

So any duck breast recipe that tells you to overcook the meat – we always overcook duck, so a lot of people hate it – or the maker of that recipe has something against goodness. tasting the meat. Because if you know how to cook duck breast properly, you have successfully made a steak wearing a cap made of bacon.

. Skinless breasts require a different set of instructions. I checked the instructions in my cookbook if you’re interested, but the short version is skinless duck breast cooked like similar sized strips of steak.

Detailed, and I mean really detailed, instructions under the recipe. (I’ve also put together a video for this special duck breast recipe.) Follow them and soon you’ll be cooking duck breast while it’s sleeping.

Recipe For Wild Duck Breast

However, before you get there, I’ll guide you right away. First, you want your duck breast to reach room temperature. Take it out of the fridge and season it with salt, then let it all sit for 30 minutes or so. Dry on paper towels.

Mallard Duck Breast With Rhubarb, Fennel And Honey

With a duck breast like this (a fat pintail duck I hunted here at NorCal), or fattier, you don’t need a lot of fat or oil to start the frying. I almost always use wild duck fat (here’s how to make duck fat at home), but you can also buy duck fat. However, it is not 100 percent necessary. You can start cooking the duck breast with a little oil, lard or butter too.

Heat a cast iron or cast iron skillet – non stick doesn’t like high heat we cook the duck breast – over medium-high heat, and just melt the fat. Use the duck breast to spread it around the pan.

Add the remaining duck breast (I think I can do about four or five at a time), and heat through. When you place a duck breast in a very hot pan, the skin contracts very quickly and you get small oval indentations near the end of the breast that are thin without tearing.

In any case, it’s best to use your tongs to press down on this part for about a minute, so that it relaxes and comes into contact with the pan. A bacon press also works well.

How To Cook Duck Breast

The secret to cooking duck breast is to cook it for about three quarters of an hour skin side up. This keeps most of the fat and skin flaky, which acts as a barrier to the meat, so the sides don’t overcook.

You flip the breast when the skin is browned and crispy — and yes, you can see it — then let it cook on the flesh side for a few minutes. I have some guidelines for the different types of duck on the recipe cards below.

Finally, you want to kiss the fat side of the duck breast standing facing each other. It’s a trick I learned from cooking the unhealthy fat mallards and pintails that live in California paddy fields, and it works well with store-bought duck.

Recipe For Wild Duck Breast

Finally, place your duck breast on a cutting board, skin side up. If they’re small, you can wrap them in foil, but I rarely do that because it spoils your crispy skin. I like to grind black pepper over the skin while resting.

Honey & Garlic Wild Duck

Bottom line: this is a duck breast recipe that I follow almost exclusively: I never thought fat pintails or mallards or wood duck needed more than salt, pepper, and orange juice or vinegar or a dash of Worcestershire.

That said, I have a long list of wild game sauces here, and many of them are great for the duck. I also have a few specific recipes using this technique for cooking duck breast on this site, such as:

Cooking duck breast is easy once you get the hang of it. This recipe works with duck or goose breast, wild or store-bought.

Calories: 287 kcal | Protein: 45 gr | Fat: 11 g | Soup Fat: 3 g | Cholesterol: 174 mg | Sodium: 129 mg | Potassium: 606 mg | Vitamin A: 120 IU | Vitamin C: 14 mg | Calcium: 7 mg | Iron: 10.2 mg

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Recipe For Wild Duck Breast

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Slow Roasted Duck Breast

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