Sql Server Database Project Visual Studio 2013

By | November 1, 2023

Sql Server Database Project Visual Studio 2013 – Visual Studio (VS) has evolved a lot into what it is capable of today for database development and deployment. With the addition of much better table creation capabilities, Visual Studio is the development tool of choice for database developers. SQL Server Management Studio still has its place as a lightweight free tool, but for serious database development with Team Foundation Integration, Visual Studio is the tool of choice.

These local database instances are located in a file location on the local disk of the computer running Visual Studio at:

Sql Server Database Project Visual Studio 2013

Sql Server Database Project Visual Studio 2013

So the server name is: (localdb)ProjectV12. You can get details about these installed databases by running SKlLocalBD.eke (located in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server110ToolsBinn) next to the database name, e.g. ProjectsV12 information.

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(from the above run) to connect to the local database from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) as shown below.

Connection (to view database objects) is possible from VS and SSMS with the latter using a pipe connection array. The SSMS screen (below) shows how to create a connection to localDB as well as a stored procedure created from an SSMS template added to the database. The following article [Creating a stored procedure component template] shows how to create this same SSMS stored procedure template for Visual Studio.

Previous article (2) [Creating database project folders]. . . Next Article (4) [Create Stored Procedure Item Template]SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) ​​is a modern development tool for creating SQL Server relational databases, Azure SQL databases, data models for Analysis Services (AS) , integration services (IS) packages and Reporting Services (RS) reports. With SSDT, you can design and develop any type of SQL Server content as easily as you would develop an application in Visual Studio.

If Visual Studio 2022 is already installed, you can edit the workload list to include SSDT. If you do not have Visual Studio 2022 installed, you can download and install Visual Studio 2022.

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For Analysis Services, Integration Services, or Reporting Services projects, you can install the appropriate extensions from Visual Studio Extensions > Manage Extensions or from the Marketplace.

With Visual Studio 2019, the functionality required to enable Analysis Services, Integration Services, and Reporting Services projects has been moved to the corresponding Visual Studio Extensions (VSIKS) only.

If Visual Studio 2019 is already installed, you can edit the workload list to include SSDT. If you do not have Visual Studio 2019 installed, you can download and install Visual Studio 2019 Community.

Sql Server Database Project Visual Studio 2013

For scenarios where offline installation is required, such as low bandwidth or isolated networks, SSDT is available for offline installation. Two approaches are available:

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To download and install SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 or an earlier version of SSDT, see previous versions of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT and SSDT-BI).

After installing SSDT, read these tutorials on how to create databases, packages, data models, and reports using SSDT.

Did you know you can edit SQL content yourself? If you do, you’ll not only help improve our documentation, but you’ll also be credited as a contributor to the site. Database projects in Visual Studio are an afterthought for application development. It started with Gert Drapers (the data type) and became SSDT (SKL Server Data Tools) which had to be installed (as a plugin) in Visual Studio. This has had some different functions over the years, but was intended to reduce the difficulty of developing a database in Visual Studio and keep database changes synchronized across the solution (respective database and application versions) and across multiple server environments as throughout the life cycle of the application.

This is easy enough with Visual Studio 2013.  On the first landing page (can be disabled) the Start section has an option from which you can create a new project, or the traditional FILE menu is just as easy.

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Note that if a project is created and Team Foundation Server (TFS) is used to take care of how the solution and the projects contained in the solution are bounded. It is beyond the scope of this article to explain how this is done, but suffice it to say that where solutions are stored separately from projects, you first create an empty solution and check it out. Then the projects are added back to the solution. so everyone checks in to TFS in their correct locations.

Don’t take the Visual Studio frameworks any further, e.g. Solution Explorer, SQL Server Object Explorer, and Properties, for example. These should be oriented (anchored) in positions that make sense, e.g. for easy reference. Below is an example example containing a solution with three projects.

The two most important fields are Solution Explorer and SQL Server Object Explorer. The first shows database solutions and projects. Where the database does not actually exist (here you create it) SQL Server objects can be created/added to the project or (where the database already exists) imported in various ways. The first is to use a DACPAC (SQL Server Level Application File Extract) or connect directly to the SQL Server database or create it using a script file that contains all the object definitions.

Sql Server Database Project Visual Studio 2013

Importing the database allows changing the folder structure in the project. The structure of the project directory should allow for ease of maintenance and readability. The folder structure does not affect development.

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Importing an existing database (where no structure is selected or defined, dumps all files in the project root, which is moderately messy, so should be considered carefully. Directory is not created where the imported database has no objects) . , for example. Stored procedures. If subsequent objects are needed, the folder should be created first.

Database organization improves readability, and therefore maintainability, because developers can find things faster. All database objects with no visible grouping are dumped to the project root on import.

NOTE: Things that affect how objects are displayed and access rights that differ in practice affect the configuration of the naming scheme. Using database schemas (for grouping objects and assigning connection permissions) is an effective data architecture strategy over using prefixes on objects such as

For stored procedure (source). The folder structure in Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio already updates the object type and with the added schema indicates the organization

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. Objects in a schema are owned by the security principal to which the schema belongs, and a schema can contain objects owned by different users. Any predefined schemas (dbo, sis, etc.) can be dropped from the model database if they are not needed, thus preventing them from being created in new databases. The owner of the schema can be changed without breaking the code, but if the owner of an object, say Tommi.Object, has been removed, the ownership change must first take place before Tommy’s account can be deleted. However, all fully qualified references will break into code, e.g.

. The default dbo schema is owned by the dbo user. Users assigned to a dbo schema do not inherit the permissions of the dbo user account, but rather the database objects contained in the (source) schema. Using dbo as the owner of all objects can greatly simplify object management ( source ). SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) ​​provides project templates and design surfaces for creating SQL Server content types—relational databases, analysis service models, reference service reports, and integration service packages.

SSDT is backward compatible, so you can always use the latest SSDT to design and develop databases, models, reports, and packages that run on older versions of SQL Server.

Sql Server Database Project Visual Studio 2013

Historically, the Visual Studio shell used to create SQL Server content types has been released under various names, including SQL Server Data Tools, SQL Server Data Tools – Business Intelligence, and Business Intelligence Development Studio. Previous versions came with different sets of project templates. To collect all project templates in one SSDT, you need the latest version. Otherwise, you will likely need to install several previous versions to get all the templates used in SQL Server. Only one shell is installed per version of Visual Studio. Installing another SSDT just adds the missing templates.

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Starting with Visual Studio 2017, the functionality to create database projects is built into the Visual Studio installation. You do not need to install the SSDT standalone installer for the basic SSDT experience.

Now, to build Analysis Services, Integration Services, or Reporting Services projects, you still need the standalone SSDT installer.

To install SSDT during Visual Studio installation, select the Data Storage and Processing workload, and then select SQL Server Data Tools.

If Visual Studio is already installed, use the Visual Studio installer to modify the installed workloads to include SSDT.

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The installer lists the available instances of Visual Studio to add the SSDT tools to. If Visual Studio is not already installed, choosing Install a new instance of SQL Server Data Tools installs SSDT with the minimum version of Visual Studio, but for the best experience we recommend using SSDT with the latest version of Visual Studio.

To install SSDT when you are not connected to the Internet, follow the steps in this section. For more information, see Create a network installation of Visual Studio