Visual Studio Code Sql Server

By | July 29, 2023

Visual Studio Code Sql Server – In a previous article, Getting Started with Visual Studio Code (VS Code), we did a detailed review of the popular code editor. It supports various programming languages ​​t-SQL, Python, PHP, AWS CLI, PowerShell, etc. To work with these languages, we need to use extensions in VS Code For example, if we open a T-SQL script, it will recommend the following extensions

We can also work in SQL script without the extension, but it does not provide additional functionality for working in T-SQL. In the image below we can see that you don’t get different color codes for the database objects The entire script treats it as a normal file

Visual Studio Code Sql Server

Visual Studio Code Sql Server

Click Recommended and it will open the recommended extensions for SQL Server You can search the market for a specific extension

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Click the Install extension for SQL Server (mssql). Enables global deployment with SQL Tools Services for mssql deployment

Press Enter and you will be prompted to enter a database name This is an optional field If we do not enter a database name VS Code will connect to the main database by default.

Then select the authentication method as SQL Login or Integrated For Windows authentication select the integrated method If you select SQL login it also asks for SQL login credentials

Press enter Connects to SQL Server and displays database objects, security and server You can expand the database to view its objects such as tables, views, functions, stored procedures, etc.

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VS Code stores connection information in JSON files To view the contents of the JSON file, navigate to File->Preferences->Settings

Click Edit in the settings.json link This will open the mssql connection information we entered in VS Code earlier

Let’s say you have a lot of connection profiles in Visual Studio Code You can copy and paste this connection profile into a new VS Code settings file This can save us the effort of setting up profiles for new machines or your colleagues

Visual Studio Code Sql Server

VS Code SQL Editor supports the t-SQL IntelliSense feature, as well as SSMS and Azure Data Studio. As soon as you start entering code in the SQL editor, it prompts you to enter keywords, names of schema objects such as tables, views, columns, functions. Help for parameters can also be found in stored procedures or functions Also supports code formatting and style rule inference

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The Visual Studio code editor highlights all T-SQL errors and warnings as you type. For example, if you want to select records from a table, but that table does not exist in the source database, you may receive the error message: Invalid object name.

Similarly, if you want to execute a stored procedure that requires you to provide a parameter value, you can move your mouse over it and it will suggest parameters for that stored procedure.

Many times you need a reference to check the definition of a schema object These can be objects like tables, stored procedures and functions You don’t need to browse to the object in the Explorer, check the definition and go back to the editor again

Suppose you are retrieving records from a SQL table but want to check the columns in that table Select an item and you will get two options – Peak definition and Go to definition

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Click on Peak->Pike Definition and you will find the object script in the popup window You can view the script for your reference and close the script definition to return to the previous window

Let’s say you want to execute a stored procedure, but you’re not sure about its parameters and their data types. You can check the saved method definition to check its parameters, the script as shown below

As with the vertex definition, select an object and click Go to Definition This will open the object script in a new query window You can take a reference to the script or save it for future use

Visual Studio Code Sql Server

VS Code includes a lot of useful code to execute useful t-SQL statements on SQL Server databases These code snippets are for adding a new column, creating a new database, creating a new table, dropping a table.

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Select the required code snippet and you will get T-SQL to perform the operation For example, if you want to create a new database, click sqlCreateDatabase and it returns the following code Highlights the entries requested by the user

Visual Studio Code provides options to view output and save in CSV, Excel, JSON format. Write any query and press execute. You can see the result of the query in the Results section and the corresponding message in the Messages section. If you want to save the results, click on the desired output format, specify the location, and the output will be shown to you in this format.

Let’s say you run multiple batches in one query window In SQL Server we separate batches with the go keyword You’ll get the results of both series in one results window Viewing multiple results together can be a challenge When using multiple batches, VS Code offers the ability to maximize the results window On for example, in the screenshot below, highlight the Max button in the second series of output data

Click the Zoom button and it will display the results of this series of queries in full screen in the Results section. You can click Restore to return to the standard output window

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In SSMS and Azure Data Studio, we can right-click on a table to see the top 1000 records. It also allows you to create scripts to create and modify objects Visual Studio Code also supports these features for SQL Server databases

VS Code SQL Server Extensions also supports running queries in SQLCMD mode. You can define variables, communicate with the operating system, and run queries.

For example, in the following query, we define variables for database name, table name, output format using nm:Setvar function.

Visual Studio Code Sql Server

By default, VS code disables SQLCMD mode for running queries If we try to run a SQLCMD mode query, it doesn’t recognize it and shows the following error message

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Click SQLCMD to turn it on and execute the query You will get the expected result as shown below

In this article, we explore the integration of Visual Studio Code and SQL Server to help developers write queries efficiently. Developers can use a single query editor to write code in multiple languages ​​This eliminates the headache of using a separate editor for each language Supports intellisense, SQL CMD mode, linting, highest resolution features to give you a better development experience.

Hi I’m Rajendra Gupta, Database Expert and Architect, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure, Coachbase, with over 14 years of experience helping to implement AWS solutions quickly and efficiently, troubleshooting related issues and performing performance tuning.

I am the author of the book “DP-300 Administration Reliance Database on Microsoft Azure”. I have published over 650 technical articles on MSSQLTips, Quest, CodingSight and SeveralNines.

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I am the creator of one of the largest free web collections on a single topic, including his 50-part series on SQL Server Always on Availability.

Based on my contributions to the SQL Server community, I have been consistently recognized as the Top Author of the Year in 2019, 2020 and 2021 (2nd place) and in the 2020 MSSQLTIPS Champion Award.

© 2023 Quest Software Inc. All rights reserved | GDPR Terms of Use Privacy This tutorial explores a basic data science scenario with the Common Data Science Library using Visual Studio extensions and Microsoft Python. Specifically, using Titanic passenger data, you will learn how to set up a data science environment, import and clean data, create a machine learning model to predict Titanic survival, and evaluate the accuracy of the model created.

Visual Studio Code Sql Server

The following installations are required to complete this tutorial Don’t forget to install them if you haven’t already

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Visual Studio and Python extensions provide a great editor for data science situations. Native support for Jupiter Notebook with Anaconda makes it easy to get started In this section, you’ll create a workspace for the tutorial, create an Anaconda environment with the data science modules needed for the tutorial, and create a Jupyter notebook that you’ll use to build your machine learning model.

This tutorial uses the Titanic dataset available on from the Department of Biostatistics at Vanderbilt University at Titanic data provides information about the survival of passengers on the Titanic and characteristics such as passenger age and ticket class. Using this data, the tutorial will set up a model to predict whether the drowned passengers would have sunk on the Titanic. This section shows you how to load and manipulate data in your Jupyter notebook.

With the dataset ready, you can now start building the model In this section, you will use the scikit-learn library for preprocessing (as it provides some useful functions to help).

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