Visual Studio Sql Server Database Project

By | March 5, 2024

Visual Studio Sql Server Database Project – A few months ago, I ran into an interesting challenge on a client’s website. For those of you who have read my previous article titled “Excel to Load Multiple Worksheets into SQL Server”, you will know that the challenge focused on loading the data from the various spreadsheet into financial stocks.

Now, one of the company’s business rules is that this data entry does NOT occur before the last daily sheet has been entered into the standard database.

Visual Studio Sql Server Database Project

Visual Studio Sql Server Database Project

Imagine the client has offices in California, Boston, London, Munich, Sydney and Hong Kong. As a 24×7 global organization, it’s no surprise that data files arrive at different times. Now let’s look at a new way to achieve this workload using Visual Studio as an interface.

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The Visual Studio project we will create, once finished and activated, will continue to run. It never stops. The maximum of this continuous execution is minimal because most of the time it goes to sleep and wakes up with the arrival of new files. The arrival of a dummy file named “finish.txt” is the signal to start the actual data processing.

You don’t need to resize the “Form” because you won’t be adding visual controls or visual objects to the Form.

“TargetDir” is used to specify the location of the new Excel data sheet. Again, the data from these spreadsheets is fed into the daily financial data.

Our next task is to create the necessary code that will be executed during the “Form” action (see below).

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Note that the source folder is “linked” to include the Excel spreadsheet during the upload process. Although not the best coding technique, I want to define what each line of code can do as easily as possible.

Next we set up an example “FileSystemWatcher” which basically tells the “solution” to scan all files within the given directory “TargetDir”

We set the “NotifyFilter” property (see above). This tells “FileSystemWatcher” what type of item(s) to report. In this case it is the name of the file. After all, we’re looking for a dummy “txt” file to include in the Windows folder of the production spreadsheet to say that the SSIS element should run now because all the necessary data.

Visual Studio Sql Server Database Project

The last step in the download process is to parse the filenames currently in the destination directory. A call is made to the “ParseExistingFiles” subroutine (see code below). If we remember that “TargetDir” was started above.

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First we create a “Directory” as an instance of the “DirectoryInfo” object. FileDetails is set to an array instance containing the names of all the files in the given directory (see above).

The following code is used for the file currently residing in the directory. In our case it is the sheet and other files that may reside in the folder.

We loop through the file names contained in the “FileDetails” array ONE NAME AT A TIME and pass each name, one by one, to the subroutine “You are the filename I need to start the SSIS daily load subroutine”. This subroutine is called “ParseIndividualFile”:

“With the filename we now check the file details to see if it is the ‘done file’ and if so, we can start the SSIS package to transfer.

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“Now the name of the current file goes into this subroutine, we need to check the name to see if

This is “finish.txt”. If so, the following IF END ELSE statement is executed and “continues the loop”.

When the trigger file arrives, its name will be ‘finish.txt’ and so it will be allowed to enter the IF / END loop. During the loop, the system process is started and passed as a parameter the name of the Windows DOS batch file (Go.bat) to be executed. We will analyze the contents of this batch file in the next section.

Visual Studio Sql Server Database Project

NOW!! , there should only be one activator file. Once the file is found, we can put the code in the loop, because it doesn’t make sense in further processing. This exercise is left to the reader.

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So far we have not been able to process the new files. In other words, the code we’ve created (so far) takes care of existing files in the directory when the VB application starts or before the next run. Most likely we want to start the VB application running and wait for the file to arrive.

That said, let’s add another subroutine that ‘acts’ on the ‘created event’ of the ‘FileSystemWatcher’. After all, when a file is placed in the folder, it has already been “created”. This includes new tablets etc.

Another call is made to the “ParseIndividualFile” subroutine to “check” if this is the trigger file.

The content of the finish.txt file can be any text you want to put in the file. The article is a space filler and has nothing to do with any processing (see below):

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Since Office 2013 is a 32-bit version, I have to use the 32-bit dtexec.exe found in the SQL Server subdirectories in the “program files (x86)” folder. Note that trying this with the 64-bit version of dtexec.exe (and the Office version is the 32-bit version) will result in a runtime error (see Addenda below).

After the package is finished, we copy the sheet from the production folder to the backup folder for further processing (however, this is out of scope for the current conference).

A few weeks ago, we looked at how to import data from multiple Excel sheets into a SQL Server database, using SQL Server Data Tools. At the end of the article I said that we can automate the upload. If we had been sure that all the data would be available in the production directory at the same time, we could have easily executed the load through SQL Server Agent.

Visual Studio Sql Server Database Project

In the case of many 24×7 companies with offices around the world, the “time of arrival” of their documents varies AND most of these companies ONLY want to process when all the data is found.

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Steve Simon is a SQL Server MVP and Senior BI Development Engineer with Atrion Networking. He has more than 29 years of experience in data design and analysis.

Steve has presented papers at 8 PASS Summits and one at PASS Europe 2009 and 2010. He recently presented on Master Data Services at the PASS Amsterdam Rally.

© 2023 Quest Software Inc. All rights reserved. | GDPR | Terms of use | Privacy In this article, I’ll talk about developing and deploying a database project, known as a data-tier application, using Visual Studio. In my previous post Getting Started with Data-Tier Applications with Visual Studio, I gave an overview of data-tier applications and how we can build one with Visual Studio. This article is a continuation of the previous article. I suggest you watch it before continuing with this one as it is a continuation of the previous one. For the article, I will be using Visual Studio 2019, however, you can use other versions of Visual Studio.

In this article, I will discuss how to create database objects such as tables, storage methods, and using SQLCMD variables in scripts. I’ll also show how to organize your database project code using a directory structure. Finally, we will build the database project and deploy it to our SQL Server instance.

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Let’s start by creating a directory structure for our project. This is not an exhaustive list; however, I recommend creating a directory structure before starting development. It will be easier to manage the code later when you have many files. The main idea is to create a folder for each scheme that we will use in the project. For example, if we plan to design the code for two schemes – “

“, then we should create a parent folder for the schema and organize the other objects under those.

To create a new folder in the database project, right-click the project name and select Add and select New Folder.

Visual Studio Sql Server Database Project

Once you’ve created the directory for your schema, the next step is to create a directory for each of the main database objects you’ll be designing. For example, we may need to create tables, stored procedures, functions, and views under each of these schemas. So, create a folder for

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